Spiritual Prep

How to Spiritually Prepare for Mass

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I know this is not often a subject that is talked about, but I am going to address it because it needs to be said. As a cantor, as a psalmist, as someone who is involved in the liturgy of the Mass, you need to spiritually prepare. And by the end of this article, I pray that you will want to be spiritually prepared. It makes a difference.

Why Should I spiritually prepare when I have physical preparation as well?

That’s a great question. Why do more work? We have a deeper calling as a cantor and musician. It’s not just about singing something well, it’s about singing something that points others toward Christ. If you are not in tune with the Spirit, it is hard to relay those musical messages to those listening to the message.

A few reasons why you should spiritually prepare for Mass:

  • It gives you a better look, context, and feel of the music being sung during Mass
  • You can connect to the music on a deep spiritual level instead of just singing words and notes
  • It reminds you that you are a vessel, and God is the true artist at work in the Mass
  • It is a humbling thing to do as a musician and keeps you from getting a big head

These are only some of the reasons. I believe the more we connect to the music in a way that helps us understand God more fully, the more we become true disciples and believers of the words we sing so very often.

11+ Ways to Spiritually Prepare for Mass

There are so many wonderful ways you can engage your spirit in preparation for each week’s Mass. I will discuss a few options and ones that I benefit from/enjoy the most. But be aware it is totally open for you and how you like to connect with God.

This could include meditation or mental prayer, singing in prayer, reading Scripture, just praying and pondering (much like mental prayer), or using something like the Psalm Prep Course to help guide your reading and understanding of the Psalms.

Individual Spiritual Preparations

I totally get it’s hard to make time for Jesus every day. If you like to engage in your time with God as alone time or prayer time, these options will be best for you.

Here are some super simple ideas to spiritually prepare at home:

  1. Use each Sunday’s readings during your prayer time during the week. This way you are familiar with the Gospel message, the Psalm, and the Gospel Acclamation before Mass. I use the daily readings from USCCB, and they also provide Lectio Divina resources for each Sunday that they send out on Wednesdays.
    • This option is great for those who don’t want to spend any money, and already have a set time they pray each day/week.
    • You can also relate the text of the hymns/Psalm to the weekly readings and see the connections in the liturgy of the word and the music. Neat and makes the Mass interesting with different themes.
  2. Purchase a Living in Liturgy for Music Ministers 2023 to prepare. It provides the readings, the Psalm, a reflection, and a guide for what to do each day as the spiritual prep.
  3. If you are a Psalmist or want to connect with the Psalm in a special way, check out the Psalm Prep Steps I created for you to delve into the Psalm.
    • You could use this as a daily preparation or a weekly one.
  4. Here is a DIY method that might work really well for you:
    • Read through the Psalm for the week in your Bible (I like the St. Joseph edition)
    • Go over the words slowly, pick one out the words or phrases that stick out to you and reflect on them. Have a pad of paper and a pen to write down things that strike you.
    • Then relate those words/phrases to your life/to the Psalm (we use Respond & Acclaim) as you will be singing it.
    • Underline and highlight words (with a pencil in your Psalm books!) that you feel are significant.
    • Pray over the Psalm words, asking the Holy Spirit to guide your singing, to fill you with grace and to deliver the words as best and clearly as you can.
  5. Create your own method. I talk about Catholic devotions for musicians on another post that outlines many ways you can be spiritual as a cantor.

I hope you see that you don’t have to create a separate time for spiritually preparing as a cantor. You can implement it into the time you already spend with Christ and be doubly blessed in your music ministry.

Small-Group/Choir-Based Spiritual Preparations

If you are a choir director, facilitating spiritual prep might be beneficial to you and your congregation. When everyone is on the same page on context and spiritual connection, you present a unified front and message. How wonderful is that picture?

Here are some ideas for group spiritual prep:

  1. Check out this great article from Ashley Daynew on how to pray with your choir.
    • my favorite idea is praying for others and for the worship
  2. Do a yearly or monthly choir retreat
  3. Provide a small section of spiritual reflection or musical reference/background in a weekly bulletin specifically for the members of the choir (source)
  4. Have the priest come to a couple of practices or meetings a month with choir members to help them think of their role in a more spiritual way. Or have him meet with choir members individually.
  5. Spend time together outside of choir practice. It has always been nice to share a meal with each other, have fellowship, and just get to know one another. That helps things at choir practice more fun, more communal, and more inclusive.
  6. Do short sung devotionals or prayers as a group to start and end your choir practice. You can choose based on the liturgical season or whatever you want. (source)

Be creative and enjoy finding ways to connect spiritually with your choir. We are a people who yearn for fellowship with each other and with our Heavenly Father. Implementing weekly spiritual preparations with your choir may be a fantastic way to add to your community of singers.

Prayers to Help Spiritually Prepare

It is always nice, especially as Catholics, to have a rote prayer somewhere to say when all words fail us (as they often do me). Here are three prayers that I found. (source)

  • RSCM Choristers’ Prayer: “Bless, O Lord, us Thy servants who minister in Thy temple. Grant that what we sing with our lips we may believe in our hearts, and what we believe in our hearts we may show forth in our lives. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
  • “Open my mouth, O Lord, in praise of Thy Holy Name. Cleanse my heart of all worldly thoughts, prepare my intellect and inflame my will that I may worthily sing this Divine Service. As we gather to sing thy praise, may we but touch one soul and lead it to thee. May our music foreshadow thy beauty which we shall see forever in Thy Kingdom. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.”
  • Please bless this music, that it might glorify your name. May the talent you have bestowed upon us be used only to serve You. Let this music be a witness to your majesty and love, and remind us that You are always watching and listening, from your throne above. May your presence and beauty be found in every note, and may the words that are sung reach the hearts of your people so they will draw closer to You. May your Spirit guide us through every measure so that we might be the instruments of Your peace, and proclaim Your glory with glad voices. Amen.”

Or again, check out these Catholic devotions for musicians.

Tips to Help You Spiritually Prepare

My top tips to help implement and continue spiritual prep:

  • Set an alarm on your phone and a set time each day or week you want to spend time with God
  • Ask God to give you the desire to know him more!
  • Call on the Holy Spirit as a prompter in your life while physically preparing
  • If you miss a week, don’t get discouraged and stop, pick up where you left off. The important thing is that you are still doing it!
  • Keep all your materials in a set quiet place in your house so you can always be prepared for alone time with Jesus.

I struggle with keeping my times consistent but always go back to the desire to do it. It keeps me in check, and I know the benefits when I do spiritually prepare for Mass. It really does make a difference in your Mass participation.

Keep up the good courage, strive for excellence, and give yourself some room for failure. Nobody said it would be perfect, right? And we certainly are not perfect…


Are you ready to Start your weekly spiritual prep?

The ideas in this post will help you easily implement spiritual prep into your life as a cantor, a Christian, and an evangelizer. From individual prep to group prep, it is so important to include the spiritual aspect of preparing for Mass into each every day, or at least once a week.

I find that when I do, I am more attuned to the Mass, more humble, more joyful, and just more excited to contribute and participate in the Mass through song.

What is your favorite way to spiritually prepare for Mass? I’d love to know!

Read more: 

How to Be a Humble Cantor

Cantor Feature: Robert

A Cantor’s Ministry

A Cantor’s Art

What is a Cantor in the Catholic Church? 

Best Practices for Cantors

How to Become a Cantor in the Catholic Church

Advent: Spiritual Preparation for Christmas



View Comments

  • Grace Brown says:

    Whenever I cantor--especially if I am a little nervous--I ask the intercession of St. Cecilia. Her prayers to God on my behalf have been very beneficial as I begin my cantoring journey.

    "O glorious Saint, who chose to die
    instead of denying your King.
    We pray you please to help us
    as His fair praise we sing!"

    With all the thought, work, and devotion musicians put into their craft, it's no wonder we have a strong martyr to ask for intercession!

    • Yes, Grace! I love St. Cecelia! It's amazing how our journey's as musicians can be different and beautiful if we only submit to the ones who came before us and got it right!

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