praise and worship songs optimized for young voices
Songs Included:
- Open My Eyes, Lord
- Sanctuary
- Celtic Alleluia
- Light the Fire
- Lord, I Lift Your Name on High
- Awesome God
- All in All
- Let the River Flow
need praise & worship songs in a flash?
this packet is meant to give you 8 easy options for your parish’s vacation bible school, for choir practice warmups, for mass and children’s masses, or any other creative way you can find to use them!
I have written them in easy beginner guitar chords so that even a novice guitar or piano player can play them with ease and sing along to help others learn them, too.
use these songs for your next praise event!
Need some help learning and teaching them? Check out my YouTube Channel Playlist for videos and actions that go along with some of the songs.
Or, read about how I used these songs for VBS with these awesome tips for VBS music directors!