Do you need Cantor Training? Are you in the market for cantor training? Perhaps you are interested in becoming a cantor yourself, or you are a director who has cantors to train. Either way, this post will give you 3 solutions to finding easy and done-for-you resources...
The art of Descanting Descants are beautiful light melodic phrases floating above the familiar melodies of any song, Psalm, or Alleluia. They are meant to be sung above the soprano line as a beautiful countermelody. In my parish, we often sing the soprano and the...
It’s no joke that YouTube can be used for many, many things, including preparing for Mass on Sunday. I have spent some time researching the most helpful YouTube Channels that any cantor could find useful (with a few variants, of course!) There are some channels...
Having Clear Diction Matters, and Here’s How You Can Get Better Having clear diction is important because simply put, people want to know what you are singing about. If your message is unclear or muddled, getting the gist of what you are singing is extremely...
Best Music Apps Out There With the change of technology and the adding of more technology in music these days, it is important to know what music applications are available to use. Apps are useful because they allow the user to access things with the touch of a few...
I know this is not often a subject that is talked about, but I am going to address it because it needs to be said. As a cantor, as a psalmist, as someone who is involved in the liturgy of the Mass, you need to spiritually prepare. And by the end of this article, I...