Cantor Feature: Robert

Cantor Feature: Robert

Catholic Cantor Feature Seeing as there are many cantors around the world, some with very little recognition or appreciation, I have decided to do features of them on my website. While I have already featured the stories of 5 such cantors on A Cantor’s Ministry...
5 Ways to Be a Humble Cantor

5 Ways to Be a Humble Cantor

This post is not assuming that you aren’t a humble cantor. You probably are. But it helps me to write it down and to remind others because I think we all can be prideful or forget why we are a cantor in the first place. Let me introduce myself. My name is...
The Beauty of Taize Singing

The Beauty of Taize Singing

This post contains affiliate links, denoted by *. I only promote products I love. Full disclosure. My Experience with Taize I was introduced to Taize music while serving at the church where I went to college. The only Catholic church in this college community, it was...

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