Warmups that Are Actually Fun There are a million and one warm-ups you can do on a daily basis, and there are many fun warm-ups you can make-up if you want. But why spend the time creating one when you can just pick from a list of proven awesome ones? I have used...
Having Clear Diction Matters, and Here’s How You Can Get Better Having clear diction is important because simply put, people want to know what you are singing about. If your message is unclear or muddled, getting the gist of what you are singing is extremely...
Best Music Apps Out There With the change of technology and the adding of more technology in music these days, it is important to know what music applications are available to use. Apps are useful because they allow the user to access things with the touch of a few...
Why Gregorian Chant is Amazing I have to admit, the most I have been exposed to Gregorian Chant has not been in the Church, but through choir experiences. Oftentimes in college, a director would pull a piece out in order to teach us about unison singing, pure vowels,...
The top 5 recommended books for cantors 1. Sing the Lord: Music in Divine Worship Buy on Amazon I use and recommend this book all across my site. It started when Elana from Font Sound gave me the recommendation to follow and promote the guidelines in this book. I am...
What is Cantor Burn-Out? Cantor burn-out happens when a musician in the Church becomes stretched so thin and becomes so frustrated with their situation that they consider quitting the ministry. How do I know? Because I’ve been there. But here’s the thing....