Do you need Cantor Training? Are you in the market for cantor training? Perhaps you are interested in becoming a cantor yourself, or you are a director who has cantors to train. Either way, this post will give you 3 solutions to finding easy and done-for-you resources...
Easy Catholic Hymns Anyone can Use I have been questioned a few times for easy to sing Catholic hymns that can be sung and played during Mass. While there is a plethora of liturgical music out there, Latin, English, Spanish, you name it, it can be hard to narrow down...
There are many exercises out there for singers. Breathing exercises can come in many forms, techniques, and ways to approach them. That’s good because you don’t want to just be working the same muscles every time. Nor do you just want to learn ONE way of...
When you are a musician in the Catholic church, especially in the digital age we live in now, it’s not hard to find cantor resources. Often, though, it is difficult to navigate the plethora of cantor resources out there and decide what is worth it and not, what...
The art of Descanting Descants are beautiful light melodic phrases floating above the familiar melodies of any song, Psalm, or Alleluia. They are meant to be sung above the soprano line as a beautiful countermelody. In my parish, we often sing the soprano and the...